This video is a demo both inside and outside on two commercial laser brands. Aeon Mira 9 and the Thunder Nova 63. The target audience is the person looking to buy a laser in the 7K-15K market. I own these two lasers and people are always hitting me up for the differences. I decided to make a video to show some of the differences along with my feedback on a few of the key features.

This is comparing a desktop series (Mira) to an industrial laser (Thunder Nova). Aeon has an additional line of lasers that is also a Nova series and could have some comparable features.

Video Details:
Footprint size
Laser Head Design, (Going from 2″ to 4″ lens)
Autofocus Design,
Exhaust/vent system,
Fit and finish,
Lighting & color, Handles & Hinges
Air assist
Control Panel & Buttons